In this episode, we're setting aside shop talk to focus on who we are and Whose we are in Christ. If there's ever been a time to renew your mind, then it's now. In these troubled times. CS Lewis said it best. So we're drawing on a virtual gathering we had last year in what we're calling Family Devotions. We hope it brings both help and hope to you and yours.
Renew your mind with:
- • Insights that focus on your identity in Christ during troubled times, not only now with COVID-19 but also in any time of tribulation.
- • Tips on how to live in this age without being of it, while you take captive the fears that run through your mind.
- • Romans 12 and Paul's words from the Word of God, so your soul can be transformed during such a time as this.
- • Strategies to support those in your family who struggle with stuffing their emotions, so you and yours can stay strong in spirit.